welcome back tigers

It is almost time to start the 2023-24 school year!  We are excited to get students and staff back in the building.  We have a few new staff members that we have added to the Tiger family.  I hope you will take time to welcome them to EMS when you see them.

Kyle Haught - Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

Carrie Hamm - Treasurer

Rochelle Renollet - Attendance 

Ashley Huffman - Nurse

Madeline Mann - 8th Reading

Jill McAndrews - 8th ELA

Linda Borden - Mixed Abilities

Randi Loyd - Mixed Abilities

Abby Easter - Life Skills


Your student’s schedule, locker and bus route will be available in Skyward on the evening of August 14th.  

Open House

On August 15th, EMS will be hosting our annual Open House from 5:15-7:15.  During this time, students will be able to access their lockers, tour the building and walk-thru their schedule.  Teachers will be on hand to meet students and answer questions.  This is also a great time to update health forms with the nurse and stop by the office to pay your school fees.  Free and reduced meal applications and fee waivers will be available as well.  

The Tiger Nation Booster Club will be on hand with brand new Eisenhower Gear.  Don’t forget to stop at their table and purchase your 2023-24 TNBC Membership passes! 

Supply Lists

Our school supply lists are available on the Eisenhower Middle School website https://ems.goddardusd.com under the documents tab. (Click Here For Documents)


All students will receive a locker and combination which will be printed on their schedule.  Students are not allowed to share lockers or give the combination to other students.  P.E. locks will also be provided at no cost to the student.  Only school issued locks are allowed in the hallways and P.E. locker rooms.  There will be a $5.00 charge if the P.E. lock is lost or stolen.

P.E. Clothes

P.E. clothes are required for all students.  The basic P.E. uniform is a plain white t-shirt, black gym shorts, tennis shoes and white socks.  The P.E. Department will be selling Tiger t-shirts and shorts at the beginning of the school year.  Ms. Mouse and Mr. Hogan will hand out details for ordering “Tiger P.E. Gear” on the first day of school.  Students may wear sweats during cold weather.  Please clearly mark your child’s clothing.  

Picture Day

Strawbridge will be at EMS on August 29th for all school pictures.  All students and staff will have their picture taken during the day for the pictures that will be in the yearbook.  More information will be provided once we have received it.

Rank One

Starting this fall, all sports physicals will be submitted through Rank One.  We have published instructions for this process on all of our social media channels and school website.  The Goddard Public Schools activity packet forms are also available for your signature on the Rank one site.  Forms must be submitted through the Rank One website and not the app.  To access the Rank One portal you can visit the EMS Website under the athletics section or go to the following link.
